Recent newspaper articles in the UK suggest the housing market is currenly experiencing a Boom in demand.

A close up of a newspaper that says
There have been several newspaper articles recently indicating the UK housing market has rebounded quickly from the Lockdown period which began on the 23rd March 2020.

During the lockdown period, there was a widespread fear amongst experts that the house sales could collapse, fortunately the opposite seems to have take place and the market is experiencing a boom.

House prices in the UK hit a record high last month, according to the building society Nationwide. Factors that have helped to underpin the good performance are as follows:

Ultra-low interest rates. The Bank of England cut its base rate to 0.1% at the start of the Covid crisis.  In May the UK Government announced a Stamp Duty Freeze on  property transactions of £500,000.

Once the market was allowed to open up again, and operate with new more Covid secure operating practices, pent up demand from the Lockdown period was released.

It of course remains to be seen what will happen as we move through Autumn and Winter, but fingers and everything else is certainly crossed that the growth in house sales continues for the latter parts of 2020.

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