1.) Mortgage valuations aren't for your benefit.
It is a popular myth that simply because a mortgage provider is conducting a valuation of a property. The main purpose of such a valuation is to get a price for the property for their own lending criteria. As a result a mortgage valuation should not be confused with a survey which would assess the condition of the property concerned.
The mortgage valuation is not a detailed survey report, unlike a survey it won't highlight potential repairs and maintenance work that you may need to do on the property once you have purchased it. A building survey instead provides a detailed report of the building.
When conducting a survey on one of clients behalf we inspect all safely accessible parts of the property.
The report will provide comments regarding the condition and state of repair.
2.) Buyers who don't have a survey conducted don't save in the long run.
Whilst there might be a short term temptation to save some money by not having a survey especially if the property you are buying looks visually sound and in good condition. There could be all sorts of hidden defects including issues such as wet or dry rot, structural damage, roof problems. Problems such as these often get worse as time progress, and as a result cost even more in the long run to rectify.
3.) A survey is a useful tool to help you renegotiate the price of the property
Once a survey has been completed if it does find that there are problems, this provides a basis on which to negotiate with the vendor on the price that you are prepared to pay for the property. By having a HomeBuyer Report or Building Survey it could help to save you on costly repairs in the future.
4.) Our RICS Surveys include:
If you would like to arrange a Building Survey please feel free to contact us.
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